Happy New Year!
We look forward to
seeing you next year!
Don't forget!
We ship, nation wide! If you see something you like, let us know!
Hope you got everything you wished for this year
But if not, feel free to ask us about custom orders! We can specialty order you products and notions we don't generally carry as long as our distributor has them, so feel free to give us a call!
Like what we make here? Ask if the sample is for sale! Most samples are, so let us know if you are interested.
Diane has been quite the busy bee, and she has finished her Masterpiece BOM quilt! Thank you so much Diane for sending in this picture for us!
We LOVE to see what you guys have made, so please feel free to email us pictures whenever you want. You may even be featured in our newsletter!
We have some new Moda fabrics in! Take a look:
Have you always wanted to learn the fabric collage technique? Does the idea of being a textile artist sound interesting to you?
There is still room in our collage class! You will learn the necessary technique and fabric selection skills to master this beautiful style of art. Take your quilting skills in a whole new direction with our class!
Just take a look at how different the same pattern can be done with different fabrics and a little creativity:
Sewing Machine Collage Class:
We still have two spots for our two day class next week, which is on Friday January 6th from 4pm to 8pm and on Saturday January 7th from 10am to 3pm. The cost of the class is for BOTH days.
~ Fabric Kit – MUST purchased from the shop. $69 and it will be available at your class.~ Laura Heine Collage Pattern~ Pattern Ease – 1 yd~ Steam A Seam 2 (NOT Lite) – 5-6 yards~ Applique Mat with pressing sheet – Silicone Applique Fusing Mat from either Gypsy Quilter or Precision fusing mat at least 12x18, but bigger is better. We can order 12”x18”, 17”x24”, or 43”w x 14”h.~ Karen Kay Buckley blue-handled scissors or comparable (they need to have serrated blades)~ Light Box (optional)~ Fine point tweezers for placing small pieces~ No. 2 Pencil~ Inexpensive iron~ Ironing board (With a cover that can be replaced. The fusible gets everywhere)~ Optional: Pool noodle & bath towel (for rolling your unfinished project to take home)
Dates to Remember:
Our annual fat quarter sale dates have been decided: February 26 through March 4, 2023
Mark your calendar so you can plan to pay us a visit!
Steve's Snippet: I'm going to stay up late this New Year's Eve—not to ring in the New Year, but to make sure this one leaves.
Why should you stand on one leg on New Year's Eve?
To start the new year on the right foot!
My New Year's resolution for 2023 is to read more, so I turned on the subtitles on the TV.
Hope these snippets help you start the year with laugher!
From all your friends at Quilt N Go :)