Friendly reminder as we are heading into the new year:
Make sure you get your machine cleaned at least once a year!
Michigan gets humid, and moisture + lint trapped in your machine = costly repairs, rust, damage to mechanical and electronic parts, and a subpar sewing experience! Getting regular maintenance done on your machine helps keep it in tip top shape for as long as possible, and we sell the tools to do it!
If you feel uncomfortable taking your machine apart, we do offer machine cleaning and repair services for only $45! For $45 we will check your machine's timing, check upper thread tension AND bobbin tension, and will oil AND grease inner parts in addition to general lint removal.
We are taking sign-ups for our retreat at the Farmstead inn in Shipshewana for April!April 09-13, 2025
Our April Retreat is our "all hobby" retreat, so feel free to invite anyone who would be interested!
If you paint, sew, quilt, crochet, knit, weave, scrapbook, journal, or anything else that can be safely done indoors at an 8 foot table (which you get all to yourself!) you are more than welcome to attend!
The cost is $150 to us, and you are responsible for your own room and food arrangements. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at the shop or stop in!
April 09-13, 2025
This panel is perfect for anyone who is rugged, outdoorsy, or just loves eagles! A customer also had the wonderful idea of using this panel as a gift for an eagle scout!
But just in case eagles aren't your favorite bird, we got in this panel too:
Both of these panels are BIG 36" long panels; they are as big as a yard of fabric! Throw on a couple borders and you'll EASILY have a lap size quilt in no time at all.
I personally think a window pattern would be perfect for either of these, or they would make some really pretty pillowcases!
Upcoming Classes and Events
April 09 - 13: April All Hobby Quilt N Go Retreat
Kim's Corner
I used to just crastinate, but I got so good I went pro!